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How to Create a Custom Execution Strategy#


To learn how to use a built-in asynchronous execution strategy, see How to Ingest Documents Asynchronously.

In Ragbits, document processing during ingestion is controlled by a component known as "processing execution strategy". It doesn't deal with the actual processing of documents, but rather, it orchestrates how the processing is executed.

Ragbits provides several built-in execution strategies that can be easily interchanged. You can also create your own custom execution strategy to fulfill your specific needs. This guide will show you how to develop a custom execution strategy using a somewhat impractical example of a strategy that processes documents one by one, but with a delay between each document.

Implementing a Custom Execution Strategy#

To create a custom execution strategy, you need to create a new class that inherits from ProcessingExecutionStrategy and implement the abstract method execute. This method should take a list of documents and process them asynchronously. It should also implement the abstract method process_documents.

While implementing the process_documents method, you can use the built-in process_document method, which has the same signature and performs the actual processing of a single document.

import asyncio

from ragbits.document_search.ingestion.processor_strategies import ProcessingExecutionStrategy

class DelayedExecutionStrategy(ProcessingExecutionStrategy):
    async def process_documents(
        documents: Sequence[DocumentMeta | Document | Source],
        processor_router: DocumentProcessorRouter,
        processor_overwrite: BaseProvider | None = None,
    ) -> list[Element]:
        elements = []
        for document in documents:
            await asyncio.sleep(1)
            element = await self.process_document(document, processor_router, processor_overwrite)
        return elements

Implementing an Advanced Custom Execution Strategy#

Alternatively, instead of using the process_document method, you can process documents directly using the processor_router and processor_overwrite parameters. This gives you more control over the processing of documents.

import asyncio

from ragbits.document_search.ingestion.processor_strategies import ProcessingExecutionStrategy

class DelayedExecutionStrategy(ProcessingExecutionStrategy):
    async def process_documents(
        documents: Sequence[DocumentMeta | Document | Source],
        processor_router: DocumentProcessorRouter,
        processor_overwrite: BaseProvider | None = None,
    ) -> list[Element]:
        elements = []
        for document in documents:
            # Convert the document to DocumentMeta
            document_meta = await self.to_document_meta(document)

            # Get the processor for the document
            processor = processor_overwrite or processor_router.get_processor(document)

            await asyncio.sleep(1)

            element = await processor.process(document_meta)
        return elements

Using the Custom Execution Strategy#

To use your custom execution strategy, you need to specify it when creating the DocumentSearch instance:

from ragbits.core.embeddings.litellm import LiteLLMEmbeddings
from ragbits.core.vector_stores.in_memory import InMemoryVectorStore
from ragbits.document_search import DocumentSearch
from ragbits.document_search.documents.document import DocumentMeta

documents = [
    DocumentMeta.create_text_document_from_literal("Example document 1"),
    DocumentMeta.create_text_document_from_literal("Example document 2"),

embedder = LiteLLMEmbeddings(
vector_store = InMemoryVectorStore()
processing_strategy = DelayedExecutionStrategy()

document_search = DocumentSearch(