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How-To: Test prompts with promptfoo and Ragbits#

Ragbits' Prompt abstraction can be seamlessly integrated with the promptfoo tool. After installing promptfoo as specified in the promptfoo documentation, you can generate promptfoo configuration files for all the prompts discovered by our autodiscover mechanism by running the following command:

ragbits prompts generate-promptfoo-configs

This command will generate a YAML files in the directory specified by --target-path (promptfooconfigs by default). The generated file should look like this:

  - file:///path/to/your/prompt:PromptClass.to_promptfoo

You can then edit the generated file to add your custom promptfoo configurations. Once your promptfoo configuration file is ready, you can run promptfoo with the following command:

promptfoo eval -c /path/to/generated/promptfoo-config.yaml

Important: To ensure compatibility, make sure Node.js version 20 is installed.