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How-To: Define and use prompts with Ragbits#

This guide will walk you through defining and using prompts in Ragbits, including configuring input and output data types, creating custom output parsers, and passing images to a prompt.

How to Define a Prompt#

Static Prompt Without an Input Model#

To define a static prompt without an input model, you can create a subclass of the Prompt class and provide the user_prompt attribute.

from ragbits.core.prompt import Prompt

class JokePrompt(Prompt):
    A prompt that generates jokes.

    system_prompt = """
    You are a joke generator. The jokes you generate should be funny and not offensive.

    user_prompt = """Tell me a joke."""
Passing the prompt to a model is as simple as:
import asyncio
from ragbits.core.llms.litellm import LiteLLM

async def main():
    llm = LiteLLM("gpt-4o-2024-08-06", use_structured_output=True)
    static_prompt = JokePrompt()
    print(await llm.generate(static_prompt))

Extending the Prompt with an Input Model#

To extend the prompt with an input model, define a Pydantic model for the input data and pass it as a generic type to the Prompt class. The output type defaults to string.

Let's use a RAG example as a case study:

import asyncio
from pydantic import BaseModel

from ragbits.core.prompt import Prompt
from ragbits.core.llms.litellm import LiteLLM

class QueryWithContext(BaseModel):
    Input format for the QueryWithContext.

    query: str
    context: list[str]

class RAGPrompt(Prompt[QueryWithContext]):
    A simple prompt for RAG system.

    system_prompt = """
    You are a helpful assistant. Answer the QUESTION that will be provided using CONTEXT.
    If in the given CONTEXT there is not enough information refuse to answer.

    user_prompt = """
    {{ query }}

    {% for item in context %}
        {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}

async def main():
    llm = LiteLLM()
    query = "Write down names of last two world cup winners"
    context = ["Today is November 2017", "Germany won 2014 world cup", "Spain won 2010 world cup"]
    prompt = RAGPrompt(QueryWithContext(query=query, context=context))
    response = await llm.generate(prompt)

After succesful execution console should something like:

The last two World Cup winners as of November 2017 are Germany (2014) and Spain (2010).

How to configure Prompt's output data type#

Defining output as a Pydantic Model#

You can define the output of a prompt as a Pydantic model by specifying the output type as a generic parameter. However, note that not all llm models support output schema definition. To use this feature effectively, you must set the use_structured_output=True flag when initializing the LLM. If this flag is not used, you will need to ensure that the JSON schema of your data model is incorporated into the prompt.

Let’s revisit the previous example, making one adjustment: this time, we will define a structured output format.

import asyncio
from pydantic import BaseModel

from ragbits.core.prompt import Prompt
from ragbits.core.llms.litellm import LiteLLM

class QueryWithContext(BaseModel):
    Input format for the QueryWithContext.

    query: str
    context: list[str]

class OutputSchema(BaseModel):
    last: str
    previous: str

class RAGPrompt(Prompt[QueryWithContext, OutputSchema]):
    A simple prompt for RAG system.

    system_prompt = """
    You are a helpful assistant. Answer the QUESTION that will be provided using CONTEXT.
    If in the given CONTEXT there is not enough information refuse to answer.

    user_prompt = """
    {{ query }}

    {% for item in context %}
        {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}

async def main():
    llm = LiteLLM(model_name="gpt-4o-2024-08-06", use_structured_output=True)
    query = "Write down names of last two world cup winners"
    context = ["Today is November 2017", "Germany won 2014 world cup", "Spain won 2010 world cup"]
    prompt = RAGPrompt(QueryWithContext(query=query, context=context))
    response = await llm.generate(prompt)

After succesful execution console should display:

last='Germany' previous='Spain'

Configuring output as a simple type#

You can configure the ouput as a simple type, such as bool, int or float. In order for those parsers to execute properly you would need to force the model with the prompt that you pass to generate raw response in a format that can be converted to numeric type (for int and float) or some finite set of words (the example below shows exact values) that are interpreted as bool. If those conditions are not met ragbits.core.prompt.parsers.ResponseParsingError would be raised

import asyncio

from pydantic import BaseModel

from ragbits.core.llms.litellm import LiteLLM
from ragbits.core.prompt import Prompt
from ragbits.core.prompt.parsers import ResponseParsingError

class RoleInput(BaseModel):
    role: str

class BooleanPrompt(Prompt[RoleInput, bool]):
    user_prompt = ("Are you {{ role }}? Answer 'yes' or 'no' only."
        "Do not provide any other additional information - just a single word"

def assert_responses(boolean_prompt: BooleanPrompt) -> None:
    # all allowed values parsed to true
    for s in ["true", "1", "yes", "y", "TRUE", "YES"]:
        assert boolean_prompt.parse_response(s)
    # all allowed values parsed to false
    for s in ["false", "0", "no", "n", "FALSE", "NO"]:
        assert not boolean_prompt.parse_response(s)

async def main():
    llm = LiteLLM()
    boolean_prompt = BooleanPrompt(RoleInput(role="a human"))
        gen = await llm.generate(prompt=boolean_prompt)
    except ResponseParsingError as e:
        print(f"Failed to parse response: {e}")

How to create a custom output parser for a Prompt#

The limitiations described above can be handled by creating a custom parser. The example below will show you how:

import asyncio
import re
from pydantic import BaseModel

from ragbits.core.llms.litellm import LiteLLM
from ragbits.core.prompt import Prompt

class ItemInput(BaseModel):
    items: str

class IntegerPrompt(Prompt[ItemInput, int]):
    system_prompt = "Respond to user as quantitive analytics bot"
    user_prompt = "How many {{ items }}"

    def response_parser(response: str) -> int:
        all_integers = re.findall(r"\b\d+\b", response)
        if len(all_integers) > 0:
            return all_integers[0]
        return -1

async def main():
    llm = LiteLLM()
    prompt = IntegerPrompt(ItemInput(items="people do live in Raglandia?"))
    response = await llm.generate(prompt=prompt)